Monday, March 6, 2017

The pace of change in IT seems to be accelerating, with DEV/OPS, cloud, converged infrastructure, and security all moving to the forefront for CIO's, CTO's, CFO's, and CEO's (The four C-suites ).

"A primary focus of IT management is the value creation made possible by technology. This requires the alignment of technology and business strategies. While the value creation for an organization involves a network of relationships between internal and external environments, technology plays an important role in improving the overall value chain of an organization. However, this increase requires business and technology management to work as a creative, synergistic, and collaborative team instead of a purely mechanistic span of control." [1]

This resonates, even now, more than when it was written.

From the IDC website: This IDC study discusses worldwide services 2017 top 10 predictions.
"Digital transformation is a key driver in the worldwide services market, and success requires that business and IT work together toward shared goals. While the center of gravity will shift more toward the business that will push the envelope for more innovation, IT buyers play a critical role in governance and integration of strategic initiatives across the company. Partnering with service firms at this time of great potential will be a choice made by both business and IT buyers looking for new ideas, added skills, and critical speed in accomplishing the goals of their transformation," says Rebecca Segal, group VP, Worldwide Services at IDC.

We integrate into an organization’s technology ecosystem, business processes, and knowledge to enable its people to perform in the unique context of their roles in the environment. Our consultants recognize the critical importance of tying technology investments to organizational priorities.

We believe that an increased demand for IT to add strategic value is creating new success measures for our clients. We commit to providing consultative leadership and technical depth in these critical areas:

Optimized Infrastructure                                  
Security, DR and business continuity
Cloud and analytics
PC's, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices
High Speed, low latency networks
Legacy extended maintenance agreements
Asset Disposition

[1] IDC Report.

I would love to hear your thoughts.....